Common Causes of HVAC System Failure in Florida: What You Need to Know

It can be a real challenge to keep your home comfortable in the hot and humid climate of Florida. Learn about common causes of HVAC system failure in Florida and how you can prevent them.

Common Causes of HVAC System Failure in Florida: What You Need to Know

It can be a real challenge to keep your home comfortable in the hot and humid climate of Florida. The HVAC system is one of the most important components of any home, and it's essential to keep it running smoothly. Unfortunately, there are many common causes of HVAC system failure in Florida that can lead to costly repairs or even complete system failure. One of the most frequent causes of HVAC system failure is a dirty or clogged air filter.

Air filters collect dust and other contaminants to keep them out of your home air, but if they are not changed regularly, they can become clogged and reduce the air flow through the vents. It is important to replace the filter according to the manufacturer's guidelines, which vary depending on the model of the air conditioning unit. Most suggest changing the filter every three to six months. Doing so will greatly reduce the incidence of air conditioning problems. Leaks are another common cause of HVAC system failure in Florida.

Excess water, such as condensation or overflowing drain buckets, can cause costly damage to the air conditioning system. Refrigerant leaks, on the other hand, can cause the coils to freeze, which minimizes the effectiveness of the air conditioner. If you notice any signs of a leak, it is important to have your air conditioner checked by an experienced HVAC technician. In addition to regular maintenance and proper installation, there are many other causes of air conditioner unit failure. Neglecting your air conditioning system can lead to serious problems that could even cause the air conditioner to stop working.

To prevent these issues, it is important to be aware of some common causes of air conditioning unit faults. If you are interested in becoming an HVAC technician, enrolling in an accredited training program like Florida Academy is a great way to get started. The program is taught by expert instructors with years of industry experience with some of the biggest names in HVAC systems. Upon completion of the program, you'll be prepared to enter the weatherization industry with the added benefit of Florida Academy's lifetime work assistance. By understanding some of the most common causes of HVAC system failure in Florida and following some simple HVAC tips, you can help ensure that your home stays comfortable all year round. Regular maintenance and proper installation are key components for keeping your HVAC system running smoothly.

Nikki Hayer
Nikki Hayer

Friendly introvert. Incurable twitter practitioner. Hardcore internet fan. Hipster-friendly beer nerd. Hardcore organizer.